My name is Vanessa Brassey
I am a figurative painter and a philosopher working in acrylic inks and oils on canvas, glass and metal. I aim to depict my local world in a way that resists simple naturalism. Beguiling the viewer with landscapes and portraits that resonate with emotional complexity and possibility.
I paint and draw people, from life, photographs, and film. Recent paintings have been selected as a Finalist for BTA Art Prize 2024, British Contemporary Art (2024), Emerging Women in Art (2023), and long listed for The Royal Institute of Watercolour (2022), the Jackson Painting Prize (2022), and also exhibited in ING Discerning Eye Mall Galleries (2023 and 2024), and Unit 1 Gallery Workshop, Latimer Grove. I often exhibit 'The Swimmers' collection around Hampstead Heath. If you’re planning to see the blockbuster movie We Live in Time with Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield, look out for my painting Brisk & Early Morning Swim on Hampstead Heath (2023).